Training Visa - SC 407

The ‘Training’ Visa is a temporary visa designed for individuals seeking occupational training or professional development opportunities in Australia. It allows individuals to engage in occupational training to fulfil registration or licensing requirements, enhance their skills in a specific field, or contribute to international capacity-building initiatives. Typically, this visa permits a stay of up to two years in Australia.
To be eligible for the visa, the applicant:
- You must be at least 18 years old, unless exempted.
- You need sponsorship from an approved sponsor for professional development or occupational training.If the sponsor is not a Commonwealth agency, you must be nominated for an approved occupation by an Australian organization.
- If the sponsor is a Commonwealth agency, you must receive an invitation to apply for the visa.
- Unless exempted, you must undergo occupational training directly from the sponsor.
- You can only participate in occupational training that fulfils the criteria for one of the nomination eligibility types.
Business Sponsorship
To be eligible for sponsorship, the business should be:
- Lawfully operating in Australia, a government agency, or a foreign government agency.
- Unless exempted, you must provide the occupational training directly.
- There should be no adverse information found about the business or any associated individuals, unless the Department of Home Affairs (DOHA) deems it reasonable to overlook.
- You business must have the capacity to fulfil all sponsorship obligations.

Nominate Applicant
To be eligible for nomination, the business:
- Must be an approved temporary activity sponsor, or
- Must have submitted an application to become an approved temporary activity sponsor.
- The nomination will not be considered unless the sponsorship is approved.
For the visa application process, the applicant for the ‘Training’ visa must demonstrate meeting certain requirements, including:
- Have an approved sponsor.
- Be nominated for the visa.
- Be 18 years or older when the visa decision is made.
- Hold a valid substantive visa (excluding Subclass 403, Subclass 771, or a Special Purpose Visa).
- Meet health requirements.
- Meet character requirements.
- Have adequate health insurance.
- Demonstrate genuine temporary intent.
- Have functional English proficiency.
- Sign the Australian Values Statement.
- Not have any outstanding debts to the Australian Government or have made suitable repayment arrangements.
- Not have had a visa cancelled or a previous visa application refused.
- You must satisfy all other specified requirements for your training program.
Here’s how we assist:
Our experienced team are equipped to provide comprehensive assistance in all aspects of the employer-sponsored visa processing. Our expertise covers various areas, including business sponsorship applications, nomination applications, visa applications and compliance with sponsorship regulations and restrictions.
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